Resume Mistakes to Avoid: Common Pitfalls and How to Fix Them

Your resume serves as your first impression. It is a crucial document that can either open doors to new opportunities or leave them firmly shut. In a competitive job market, the need for a standout resume has never been more critical.

Hiring managers and recruiters spend just seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether it’s worth a second look…or goes straight into the ‘no’ pile.

In this article, we’ll explore seven common mistakes applicants make in their resumes. And we will guide you through practical solutions to fix them. Whether you’re crafting a new resume or giving your current one a tune-up, avoiding these pitfalls will set you up for success.

#1 Poor Formatting

The visual design of your resume must make a good impression. Poor formatting or layout can instantly undermine the professionalism of your resume. A cluttered or disorganised layout might suggest a lack of attention to detail. It can weaken the impact of your qualifications and skills.

And you want to make it as easy as possible for recruiters to find your essential information. Investing time in refining the layout will improve your chances of capturing and keeping their attention.

Use a clean and appealing layout. Here’s how:

  • Clear Sections: Divide your resume into clear sections such as Contact Information, Professional Summary, Work Experience, Education, and Skills. Each section should be easily distinguishable.
  • Consistent Font: Stick to a professional, easy-to-read font throughout your resume. Consistency in font style and size enhances readability and maintains a polished appearance.
  • Bullet Points: Use bullet points to present information in a concise and organised manner. Bullet points break down content, making it more digestible for the reader.
  • Margins and White Space: Ensure appropriate margins and incorporate white space strategically. An overcrowded resume can be overwhelming. But too much white space may make it appear sparse. Aim for a balanced visual composition.


#2 Grammatical Errors

Your resume reflects your professional communication skills. When a hiring manager is reviewing a stack of resumes, the ones with grammatical errors and typos are quickly passed over. Small mistakes can have a big impact on how your application is perceived. Grammatical errors disrupt the flow of your content. They also project an image of carelessness and lack of attention to detail.

To ensure your resume is free from grammatical errors and typos, use these strategies:

  • Thorough Proofreading: Before submitting your resume, proofread the entire document. Check for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and punctuation issues.
  • Use Grammar and Spell Check Tools: Use the grammar and spell check features available in word processing software. These tools can help catch common errors, but don’t rely just on the tools. Use them in combination with these other checks.
  • Seek a Second Set of Eyes: It’s easy to overlook errors in your own writing. Ask a friend, family member, or colleague to review your resume for any mistakes you might have missed.
  • Read Aloud: Reading your resume aloud can help you identify errors that may go unnoticed otherwise. This method can also improve the overall flow of your content.


#3 Not Addressing Gaps in Your Work History

One of the challenges many individuals face is explaining gaps in their career history. For example, leaving the workforce to raise children or pursuing personal development opportunities. Leaving these gaps unaddressed on your resume can lead to assumptions that may not reflect the full scope of your skills and experiences.

The tips below can also be applied to people just entering the job market who might not have a work history.

When addressing career gaps or a limited job history in your resume, consider the following approach:

  • Transparent Communication: Acknowledge the career gap in your resume or cover letter. Briefly explain the reason, without oversharing the details.
  • Highlight Transferable Skills: Emphasise the skills and experiences gained during the career gap that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. This might include project management, organisational skills, or communication abilities.
  • Include Community or Personal Projects: If applicable, showcase any freelance work, volunteer activities, or personal projects you undertook during the career gap. Did you join the school P&C? Coach a kid’s sporting team? Volunteer with a local charity? These all demonstrate initiative, commitment, and a proactive approach to skill development. School-leavers can highlight their extra-curricular activities, sporting achievements, leadership roles and volunteer work too.
  • Include Courses and Certifications: If you completed online courses, workshops, or certifications, highlight these. This demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and staying current in your field.
  • Highlight Networking and Industry Involvement: If you stayed connected to your industry during the career gap through networking events, industry conferences, or professional associations, mention these activities. It shows that you remained engaged and interested in the field.


#4 Focusing on Job Duties Over Achievements

It’s a common misconception that a resume should be a laundry list of job duties. But focusing on responsibilities without showcasing your achievements can weakens your professional profile. Hiring managers are not just interested in what you were supposed to do. They want to know how well you did it and the positive outcomes you achieved. Demonstrating how your skills and experience delivered value will set you apart from other candidates who simply list their responsibilities.

To elevate your resume follow these tips:

  • Quantify Your Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments. Use numbers, percentages, or other metrics to highlight the impact of your contributions. This provides tangible evidence of your success.
  • Focus on Results: Shift the emphasis from tasks to results. Instead of just listing duties, explain the outcomes of your efforts. Did you deliver things faster, increase revenue, or streamline processes?
  • Use Action Verbs: Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to give a sense of achievement and initiative. Words like “achieved,” “implemented,” “optimised,” and “initiated” add power to your statements.
  • Highlight Contributions: Showcase how you went above and beyond your basic job responsibilities. Did you lead an internal project, mentor a team member, or contribute innovative ideas?


#5 Not Including Your Personal ‘Elevator Pitch’

An elevator pitch is a concise, compelling statement that communicates the value you can bring. Think of it as your personal branding statement. It quickly gives the recruiter or hiring manager a snapshot of who you are and what you can offer. A good elevator pitch will help set you apart from other candidates, and push your resume to the top of the stack.

Here is an example of an elevator pitch for someone working in business administration:

“Experienced business administrator skilled in optimising office operations and managing projects. Proven ability to streamline processes and enhance efficiency. Seeking a role to leverage my strategic mindset and administrative expertise for your team’s success.”

Here are our tips for crafting an effective elevator pitch:

  • Be Concise: Aim for brevity. Your elevator pitch should be no longer than two or three sentences.
  • Highlight Your Strengths: Focus on your key strengths, skills, and experiences that are most relevant to the job you’re seeking.
  • Express Your Career Goals: Clearly state what you’re looking to achieve in your career. This helps recruiters understand your aspirations and how they align with the position.


#6 Out of Date and Unprofessional Contact Details

Your resume is your professional calling card. And so including accurate and professional contact information is critical. Neglecting this can have significant consequences on your job search. It ensures seamless communication and reflects your commitment to professionalism and accessibility.

Best practices for contact information in your resume include:

  • Professional Email Address: Use an email address that is professional and straightforward. Ideally, it should include your first and last name, minimising the use of numbers or unrelated terms. Do not use your current work email address. And consider if your current personal email address is appropriate.
  • Updated Phone Number: Ensure that the phone number you provide is current and regularly checked. If using a personal mobile number, be sure to have a professional voicemail message.
  • LinkedIn Profile: For some occupations, LinkedIn is an important part of the recruitment process. Including a link to your profile can provide recruiters with a more comprehensive view of your professional background. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and aligns with your resume.


The Benefits of Using a Resume Writing Service

A professionally crafted resume is an invaluable asset that can make the difference between landing an interview and getting lost in the shuffle. But creating an impactful resume can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

A popular option is to make use of a resume writing service. The benefits include:

  • Professional Expertise: Tap into the knowledge of skilled professionals who know industry and recruitment trends.
  • ATS Optimisation: Use experts who understand Applicant Tracking System (ATS) algorithms. This will make it less likely your resume will be rejected during screening processes.
  • New Insights: Gain a fresh perspective on your professional narrative, with insights that transform your resume into a compelling story of your career journey and value.
  • Save Time and Effort: Perfecting a resume takes a lot of time and effort. It can be very stressful, especially for people (re)entering the workforce. Handing it over to someone else takes this workload off your shoulders.
  • Stand Out From The Crowd: Maximise your chances in a competitive job market by avoiding the pitfalls we have highlighted above.

At Dream Resumes we have a 97% success rate in our clients securing interviews.
We know how to craft winning resumes that will position you at the top of the stack!


Check out this recent review from one of our happy Dream Resumes clients:



Steering clear of common resume pitfalls is essential if you want to land your dream job.  A professional resume elevates your profile, increasing your chances of securing an interview. But avoiding these mistakes and crafting a impressive resume can feel overwhelming.

Working with a reputable resume writing service is a strategic investment in your career. Rather than struggling by yourself, save time and effort to gain a tailored, polished document that showcases your qualifications in the best light.

Ready to transform your resume and take the next step in your career journey? Contact us for more information on our resume writing services and packages.